** DarkFire IRCd v1.2.0 ** This file is a general feature overview for users of DarkFire IRCd 1.2.0. For information on interest code updates (not visible features) see the WHATS-NEW-CODE-1.2.0 file. Important Changes for All Users: * Many commands are protected to check to see if services are actually online, including commands such as /nickserv and /chanserv as well as Operator commands like /akill and /samode. * The mode which allows only registered nicks to message you is now +R to conform with other IRCds and the channel mode +R which allows only registered nicks to join. (The SRA mode is now +S) * Improved the NO-DCC channel mode (+d) to allow users to send some DCCs but penalize them for repeatedly sending them (to cache virus spreaders or other on-event offenders) * Added support for Channel Halfops (/mode #channel +h ). Halfops can kick non-ops, change the topic, invite users, voice/devoice users, and use /rmban. * Changed how channel messages are sent by flag (/notice [flags]#channel message) sends a message to only the users who have the specific flags, which are @ (op), % (halfop), and + (voice). For example, /notice +%#channel sends a messages to voices and halfops on #channel. * Added channel exceptions, which work like bans. Users that are excepted will be permitted to join even if the channel is invite only, registered only, limited, or if they are banned. Additionally, they will be able to talk over moderation and bans. Exceptions can be listed using /mode #channel +e and edited like bans as /mode #channel +e mask. Important Changes for Operators and Administrators: * The /sajoin command allows any Services Administrator to force join a channel by doing /sajoin #channel. This cannot be used to force other users to join a channel and does not work on channels that have been set +S (the nosajoin mode is settable only by ULined servers such as services) * Fixed autoconnect behavior to work correctly, see the example.conf for how Y:lines should be configured. * All operators can see secret (+s) channels in /whois, designed by a * preceding the channel name in /whois. * Updated SVSNOOP to efficiently block an oline by name or mask on the given server(s) denoted by mask. Operators can see NOOP blocked olines by using /stats N. * Added a userend /akill command for use when services are offline, see /akill ? for usage info. Akills now have expire times! * The /who command will show the real host to Operators and includes the d flag to denote a user is disguised. * The /wkill command allows Services Admins to kill users or entire channels using the /who syntax. For example, /wkill #channel reason or /wkill *.bot.net/*my*bot* reason