** DarkFire IRCd ** User Modes ---------- User modes are flags without parameters that set options for what user can see and do. o - IRC Operator O - Local Operator i - Invisible to non-ircops (unless on common channel) w - Can see wallops g - Can see globops s - Can see server notices k - Can see kill notices a - Services Administrator (can do /samode, /sajoin, /akill) A - Server Administrator (can /set and /qotd) c - Can see (dis)connecting clients f - Can see flood notices r - Is a registered nick (used in /whois and for joining +R channels) j - Can see junk messages d - Disguised host (regular users cannot see your real host/ip) R - Only registered nicks (+r) can message you S - Services Root Administrator (see whois) C - ChanServ/NickServ Administrator (CSop in whois) b - Can see/send chatops u - Can see hush notices E - Messages in Spanish F - Oper not penalized for flooding Channel Flags ------------- Channel flags are modes without parameters that determine how channels operate. They are set by /mode #channel +flags n - No outside messages (users must be in the channel to send messages) m - Moderated (only voices/halfops/ops and excepted users can talk) t - Secure Topic (only ops/halfops can set the topic) c - No colors (strip colors from messages, including bold) s - Secret (do not show this channel in /list or in /whois) p - Private (do not show this channel in /list) r - Registered (set via services) R - Only registered nicks can join i - Invite only z - CTCP restriction (non-ops can't send CTCP's to the channel) d - DCC restriction (throttle DCCs and penalize users for sending too many, too quickly) S - Nosajoin (Services Admins cannot use /sajoin to force join; settable only by ULined servers) Channel Modes ------------- Modes with parameters, set like /mode #channel +o Member flags: (param is a nick) o - Channel Operators h - Half Operator v - Voice Mask parameters: (mask is nick!user@host and allows * and ? as wildcards) b - Ban a mask from joining or talking in a channel unless invited or opped/halfopped/voiced e - Exempt a mask from bans, moderation, invite only, limits, registered nick only, etc. Miscellaneous: a - Repeat protection (param is an integer which equals the number of times a user can send an identical message in a row) l - Limit users (param is an integer, max users in channel) f - Flood limit (param is an integer, the lower the nubmer the more sensitive. 60-100 is a decent setting) k - Key (param is a string, requires users to specify the key when joining by doing /join #channel key)